A Bunny Loves Nuts Not Carrots

or… An Audience Loves Performances Not Presentations Did you know that the word “bunny” actually comes from the English word “bun” which once meant “squirrel” and was also used as a term of endearment? Mind blown 🤯  This bit of trivia, which one of my children recently educated me on, got me thinking about howContinue reading “A Bunny Loves Nuts Not Carrots”

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My #1 Tip for Keeping Presentations on Track

Ultimately, one of the most important parts of a presenter’s job is keeping the audience’s focus and attention. And while this has always been a challenge for presenters, it’s becoming way harder – and more important – today as more and more presentations are being delivered virtually in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Sometimes The Best DEMO Has No Slides

If you have never heard of DEMO, it’s about time we change that right now. DEMO is all about new tech solving big problems. A select group of innovative companies are invited to showcase their solutions to a large audience of press, analysts, investors, CIOs and entrepreneurs. About DEMO  Produced by the IDG Enterprise events group, the worldwideContinue reading “Sometimes The Best DEMO Has No Slides”

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Turning Fear Into Fuel: Courage & Vulnerability

When I was 11 years old I had to stand up and present in front of 700+ school children in what we in the UK call “Assembly.” The room was made up of children from 11 to 18 years old along with teachers. It was intimidating to say the least and I was terrified. ToContinue reading “Turning Fear Into Fuel: Courage & Vulnerability”

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Put Your Co-workers and Boss in Their Place

Presentations have to be focused on the audience and not self-serving. No surprises there right? You wouldn’t expect anything else from me? Quite frankly that doesn’t go far enough! I am a firm believer that you should place your audience above  your co-workers, boss or anyone from your company. This might sound like common sense but realityContinue reading “Put Your Co-workers and Boss in Their Place”

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